Thursday, July 14, 2011

Unlock Career Outfits and Service Uniforms

Type this cheat in before you click on create sims. in the cheat bar(shift+ctrl+c) and type :unlockoutfits on

Lifetime Happiness

Resets lifetime happiness of all Sims in active household, type in cheat bar(shift+ctrl+c) : resetlifetimehappiness

Delete any object

type in cheat bar(shift+ctrl+c) : delete object

1,000 more Simoleons

Bring up your cheat bar(shift+ctrl+c) and type : kaching

Ignore the cost when buying a lot

This cheat allows you to Ignore the cost when buying a lot in Town Edit mode. just bring up your cheat bar(shift+ctrl+c) and type : freerealestate

Displays most Cheats

This cheat lets you view other cheat on the game. bring up your cheat bar(shift+ctrl+c) and type : help

Force Twins

This cheat allows your pregnant sim to have twins, you click on your pregnant sim and bring up the cheat bar(shift+ctrl+C) and type in : forcetwins

All Cheat Codes

This cheat allows you to move up the bars of (hunger,fun,ect.) and much more! you bring up your cheat bar(shift+ctrl+c) and enter : testingcheatsenabled  true

Add $50,000

This cheat code lets you add $50,000. You can use it as many times as you want.
type in the cheat code bar(shift+ctrl+C) : motherlode